3rd Trimester

What baby book has influenced you the most so far?

I managed to buy a 'lot' of pregnancy books off of Kijiji when we found out we were pregnant, which included random titles on general pregnancy, sleeping through the night, the no-cry sleep solution, etc.

The one I seem to have "connected" to the most is the one my SIL gifted us, "The Baby Whisperer".  It discusses getting your baby on a schedule, and goes over what to aim for in terms of how much time your baby spends eating, sleeping, and engaging in activity (which is so useful for first time parents like us, as we know nothing).

It even has a few charts throughout that identify what certain sounds or movements from your baby are likely to mean.  It's based on 20 years of the author's nannying and parenting experience, and a lot of it is common sense stuff that as a FTM I may have been too overwhelmed to realize myself.  I'm also adamant that the baby integrate into our lives (as opposed to the baby arriving and calling all the shots) as much as possible, which this book seems to advocate for.

I'm surprised I like it as much as I do!  It's got more information in than I'd originally anticipated, so I'm having to read it very slowly in order to digest as much of the material as possible.  My SIL got it for us after a recommendation from a friend of hers who's just had a baby and followed the advice in the book, which - according to her - has resulted in her having a very easy time with this new baby. 

What book has most influenced your parenting style thus far?

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