3rd Trimester

Questions about labor...

I'm a STM, so this whole pregnancy I would see posts on the board about labor pains/fears and what's real, and my response would always be "you'll know when it's real." 

I had a realization the other day, that I was induced (not the realization...) so my entire labor was in the hospital. So now I'm panicking, knowing the average labor time for STM's is 8-10 hours vs. 16-20, and the whole 5-1-1 rule- it scares the crap out of me to be that far into labor and not be at the actual hospital. Labor with DD wasn't typical since my cervix wasn't dilating, so I was going through active labor, contracting with the added pain of not dilating, so I don't know if that was the typical pain associated with labor or more intense- and I was also drugged up with an IV pain med that knocked me out so it's all foggy and I'm starting to panic...

So- sorry to ramble, but getting close to the finish line and starting to panic realizing I've never "gone into labor" and have no clue what to expect.  

Lilypie Maternity tickers
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