3rd Trimester

ugh my family is driving me crazy!

They're acting as though I have control over when LO is born. I'm not due until March 8th but I've been consistently measuring 2weeks ahead. Now at only 35 weeks, I'm a cm dilated and having major contractions. So I could have her any day now, and my Dr said that's perfectly fine. So now my mom is graduating college this Friday. I'm insanely proud of her, but she told me today "you better not go into labor until after Friday." Rude! Then my sister's birthday is the 21st and has told me she will be "super p!ssed if the baby is born on her birthday." She's decided to celebrate her birthday on the 17th. She told me that if I "ruin her birthday party, she won't even come to the hospital to see the baby." I'm appalled at their attitudes. It's not like I'm going to deliberately have the baby on any of their special days, if only we had control like that! But their selfishness is what's bothering me the most. I didn't plan this pregnancy so I had to intentions of cutting it this close to anyone's day, but they're making me feel so bad. Ugh. Anyone else's family making LO birthday requests? Lol
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