August 2013 Moms

Stepmoms, I need advice!

So, I'm having a hard time dealing with SO during this pregnancy. It's not that he's being a jerk or anything, he's just not, I dunno, as engaged and excited about this pregnancy, but even that isn't quite right, he's excited to be a Dad again, and he's been great helping me out when he's home, but because he's been through it all before he's just kind of meh about the whole pregnancy experience.

This is my first pregnancy, so it's all completely new and exciting for me. I never counted on in a million years him not feeling the same way, even though in hind sight it should have been a "duh". I didn't think about all the little things, like him grumbling about having to do parenting classes all over again, and him not being quite as excited about my belly popping. Or how much the little comments would get to me, such as "Milk always helped XW when she had heartburn, why don't you try it?"

The way he described how he feels is that it's like going through a haunted house. The first time it's new and scary and fun. The second time, it's still fun, but not as scary and you know what to expect. I get that, I really do, but I feel like I'm missing out on a shared experience because our experience levels are so different.

Anyways, beyond a rant I do want advice for those of you who have been through something similar. How did you cope?  Did you have the same feelings as me or am I letting pregnancy hormones get the better of me?

By the way: he quit making comments about his ex when I told him it bothered me, he never really thought about how it could be kind of insulting to me, he was just trying to offer advice lol.

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