
How long does your 6ish week old nurse?

I am using the Total Baby app to keep track of nursing and DD has gone down from a day's total of 4 hours a day as a newborn to 2.5 hours at about 4 weeks old to now at 6 weeks a hour and a half! She will nurse on one breast between 5 to 13 minutes on average and fall asleep or pull away and not take the other breast. She is producing sufficient wet and poop diapers but she just does not nurse very long. Day and night, I have tried waking her to feed and she falls asleep after 5 mins or spits it all up. I now nurse on demand and now see the total time nursing drop sufficiently. She sleeps most of the night with usually one wake up to feed and even then the feeding is short. The one night I let her sleep until she woke up hungry, she slept 9 hours and I had to wake her. She seems fine but I am just a little worried that she sleeps so much and does not eat very much. She doesn't cry at the breast and will accept it when she is awake and then falls asleep. Should I be concerned or just go with the flow?

I keep comparing her to DS who wanted to nurse all the time and even at 3 years old he loves to eat and will eat, eat, eat.
DS born 2009
BFP#2 ~ 8/2/11, EDD 4/11/12, D&C 9/12/11 at 9w5d
BFP#3 ~ 4/15/12, EDD 12/21/12 ~ DD born 12/22/12
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