3rd Trimester

baby boy is here! LIP

Water spontaneously broke at 12:15 pm on Saturday, as I was bending over to put my shoes on to leave the house. 

<enter a bunch of boring birth story stuff here> 

So the OBs were not all wrong--- he was 9.03 lbs. Either way, he wanted to come on his own, so I'm thankful for that. He did have shoulder discotia, which was both terrifying and incredibly painful, but lucky, the midwife was able to turn him seconds before having to break his clavicle. (whew!)

Recovery has been painful and a lot different than it was with my son, but I'm hoping that everything starts feeling better soon. 

He's a doll and we're home, adjusting to life as a family of 4.

See him here (sorry, no clicky)


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