
Daycare Stuff...

LO had her first full day of daycare today 7am til 330pm. I started back to work on Saturday, and LO was with dad both days this weekend. The whole weekend she had 2 oz bottles, and only needed an extra once on Sunday after she woke up from sleeping 13 hours with only a 15 minute feed during the night.

So today the girls at daycare say she's starving. Apparently she cried all day and was sucking her fists, trying to eat their shoulders when they were burping her, etc. And she only slept about 1 hour total the entire day. I told them to feed on demand during her practice halfday last week, but apparently they do every two hours unless it's written down that they can do ondemand. I'm annoyed that nobody told me that last week, and that nobody called me halfway through the day to ask if they could give her more. Ugh.

Anyways, I told them instead of six 2oz bottles, I would bring three 3oz and three 2oz bottles tomorrow. If anything has to be dumped, I'll cut back to 2.5oz I guess. Maybe she needs bigger bottles in the AM since she only wakes once to eat at night?

Does this sound reasonable? How big were your LO's bottles at 9 weeks? How long did it take you to figure out exactly how much to send to daycare every day? I don't know how to decide if she's really hungry, or just stressed out from being in a new environment with new people.... And I don't want them overfeeding her.

Any comments, suggestions, encouragement would be appreciated!
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