August 2013 Moms

Big Families: Negative Comments???

I've been getting some weird/ inappropriate advice recently and want to know if anyone else is in the same boat.

Since we are pregnant with our second decently close in age to our first, I've been getting the question, "How many do you want to have?" a lot. I have never made it a secret that I want a big family. I'm from a family of four kids and would like the same. I loved growing up having lots of siblings. 

So, when I share this with different people (mostly family or close family friends) I've been getting really strange comments that I think are a bit rude. It's mostly people warning me about how that will be difficult financially, emotionally or things like, "How can you give each kid what they need when you have so many?"

My mom gave me what I thought was really good advice when I was first engaged. She told me don't wait to have kids until you can afford them because you can never afford them. I just find it odd that so many people are basically telling me the opposite of this. I know a big family= money. I grew up having everything I needed but not everything I wanted. I didn't know the difference when I was a kid. 

IDK what to think about this or what to say to people. So my question is, has anyone who has or is planning on having a big family gotten similar comments? How do you deal? 

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