
Pumping at work

Ok, so I have some fairly unique challenges to pumping at work. I'm a flight attendant. I just went back to work last Thursday and pumping was really a challenge. I really stressed out about it. From what I have read you must pump when the baby eats. So at home that's close to every three hours except at night. If I push it to 4 or 5 hours during the day am I going to have a supply drop? I'm only working 23 days a week, but I work extremely long hours as I commute from Tampa to Atlanta on top of my regular work day. I don't have much experience pumping. Is this why some women decide to pump only? Also, it's taking 30 minutes to get all the BM out and I don't always have that long. Sometimes I only have 1015 minutes. Will that also cause problems?
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