Pregnant after IF

UPS Vent (Very Long)

Since I moved into my house on we have had a problem receiving UPS packages because my addy is W. C.ountry Ln and  the top of the street is C.ountry Ln. You would think that if a person receives a package they did not order they would either return to sender or bring it to the rightful owner. These excuse my french, azzholes, keep my packages until I go collect them days later when I realize my the delivery date passed.  Let's go to the past...I frantically called the pharmacy bc I ran out of PIO during my IVF cycle and they sent me a package next day so I wouldn't miss a dose.  I got home from work the next day to realize the package never arrived.  I called UPS and they say it was delivered and they will put a search on it.  I said "SEARCH"  I need this today.  I went up the street only to find that she had my medication sitting on a shelf.  She stated "I was going to bring it to you" "I say well thanks, it's my medicine"  Let's go back prior to IVF.  I ordered a cookbook from Amazon and actually forgot about it until I went on to order something else months later.  I called Amazon to tell them that I never received the cookbook.  Again they say it was delivered.  Guess she never got around to bringing that to my house. Thankfully Amazon is awesome and sent me another one.  

The only reason why this is bothering me now is because I have my BRU registry having gifts sent to my house and I won't know if I receive them or not. I may have to switch the address to go to my mothers house now and she lives 2 hours away.  Sorry had to get this off my chest before I killed someone over at UPS.  Thanks for listening 

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Maternity tickers Confirmed Pregnancy 9/18/2010 M/C 10/27/2010 BLIGHTED OVUM 10/2011 - HSG 2 blocked tubes 11/4/2011 - Lap Surgery - Extensive tubal disease (tubes opened) 1/3/12 - Repeat HSG (L tube open, R tube blocked) 1/15/12 - R tube removed Started Stim Injections 2/17/12 Follistim 300iu and Low Dose HCG 10 units Trigger - 2/25/12 ER 2/27/12 ET - 5 dt - 3/3/12 1 blast transferred 9 frosties BETA #1 - 626 :) Beta #2 - 2470 :) Beta #3 - 5470 3/29/12 - 6wks 3 days - no yolk sac, embie, or hb :( Blighted Ovum 8/3/12 - FET #1 1 flickering blast transferred 8/9/12 - POAS + 8/15/12 - Beta #1 1400 Beta #2 3200 8/20/12 - U/S 5 wks 1 day Yolk Sac seen 8/28/12 - 6wks 2 days - Heartbeat 116 9/4/12 - 7wks 3 days - HB 136 YAY! TEAM BLUE!
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