Pregnant after IF

And now........ clogged ears :(

UGH. Warning - this post is probably going to turn super whiny.

So - last Monday I woke up with the flu, chills, body aches, fever....etc. The good news is I thinkte flu shot kept it from totally blowing up into a full blown bout. Lasted about a day and a half, and then the head cold took over. Nasty Cough, and head congestion.

I've been getting better each day - taking tylenol during the flu symptoms and sudafed during the head cold.

Yesterday morning I woke up feeling great, thinking I had finally kicked it and therefore didn't take any Sudafed. MISTAKE. Last night my left ear was so clogged that I don't think I slept more than 3 hours :(

As I'm sure you all know, the problem with Sudafed is it's Non Drowsy, so you can't take it before bed.

I've totally reached my breaking point this AM. First of all - there are few things I find more of a nuscance than a clogged ear. My left ear was literally red b/c I kept pulling on it to try and get some air in there. Second of all my sinuses are so swollen - that my face looks swollen and third of all -- I simply can't deal being pregnant and not sleeping, feel like I got hit by a truck.

Of course normally I would take Sudafed and use Afrin for a couple days and the clogged ear would go away, but Afrin is not on the approved list :(

How many more days do I keep popping Sudafed before asking the Dr. for something stronger? AND is there something stronger that that they can offer me?

I had such an ugly meltdown this morning. I have had sucha  great, easy pregnancy however I feel like I have I am dearly paying the price over the past week. SOOOOO frustrated.

Andplualso - at 6:30 this AM I decided I might as well get up and work if I wasn't going to sleep,in hopes I could nap later. Logged in to 25 emails that came in on SUNDAY. YEs, 25 that I now need to answer. And that is why I hate my job.

"Happy Monday"

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