August 2013 Moms

NBR: My stairs hate me.

Yesterday evening I was taking laundry downstairs to wash. Well, I slipped on the hardwood stairs and hit my tailbone, hard. I have never been in so much pain in my life. I was home alone and had to call my Mom to calm me down. I was hyperventilating from the pain.

I am unsure if I cracked it or severally bruised it. All I know is I have never felt such terrible pain. I can't bend over, sit down and waddle when I walk. Just moving around is a challenge. I don't even want to tell you what a nightmare it is to get on and off the toilet!!

I am sure that baby is fine, since my tailbone and arm took the blow.

Lesson of the day: Do not wear slippery fuzzy socks on hardwood stairs. Ugh!

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