3rd Trimester

Freaking out a bit

Ughhhh... I never freak out over stuff, but tonight I am just not feeling well. I feel like there are a million things going on that could either be easily explained, or a sign that something really is "off."

Today has been a crappy food eating day, so naturally that could explain why I feel like crap. The top of my stomach feels really hard, not a BH, more like bloating. I feel like I'm being pushed out to the max. I NEVER drink pop, but I had a bit of craving so I indulged a bit and I made cookies tonight, but I only had 2.

My chest feels a bit tight, so I dunno if that's just from the stress/anxiety of feeling like crap for the past few hours. 

I had my H rub my back for a bit and that made me feel better, but once he stopped, the nausea came back again. I had a really bad first trimester, so is all of that coming back again?? 

I also feel like I'm not getting kicked/jabbed as much/hard as I had been. I feel like the movement has changed to more like him stretching, rolling. I'm 30 weeks, is this too early for him to start feeling cramped in there? 

I also noticed a few minutes ago my stomach was a bit lop-sided

We walked around the mall today and it just killed my back and my feet and I just feel like all this weight is pushing me forward and my back inwards. I already had a bit of lordosis to begin with. 

Had an ultrasound on Friday and baby was doing just fine, however, his heartbeat was 127. Yes, I know it's still in the normal range and the tech assured me it was fine, but this whole time his heart rate has always been 148-155. So that was freaking me out as well. 

  I'm a FTM, so I'm not sure when all the uncomfortableness starts, so this could be the beginning??? I dunno what to do. I've been laying in the bed watching tv trying to relax and feel better, but I just feel like sh!t. 

TTC since May 2012; BFP July 31st, 2012; EDD April 13th, 2013 BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker Anniversary
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