
Breastfeeding day from H#L#

So I know sometimes we have bad days with working and nursing, This last week I think I had the absolute worst pumping day of my life.

I am a nursing student and we have clinicals that are a 90 min drive from house from 630am till 230pm. I pumped after my morning feed at 415am. I get to clinical and when I take my first break to pump the clinic pump room is occupied, I didn't want to miss anything and didn't have time to wait, so I decided to use the copy room on the next floor up. I hook up my pump in this room with out a lock on it after dismantling the copier to get the door closed and my electric pump is broken. Well thank goodness I always take the manual just in case. I pump standing with my back to the door so no one walks in on me. I again pump at lunch no issue. I didn't get another chance to pump so on the way  home I was so glad one girl wanted to make a pit stop before going home because I ended up manually pumping in the vehicle with some of my classmates. Talk about quickly becoming comfortable with your colleagues!

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