
7 month old and diminishing frozen stocks!

DD was doing great on 12 oz / day at day care which was great.  I could easily pump that while at work (full time) and even had a little extra.

Then she upped what she was consuming to 15 oz/day which was still OK.  I could pump and fulfill what she needed.

Now, she has upped again to 18 oz/day and that's it for me.  I can get 15, but not 18!  Unfortunately, I was way too optimistic about her consumption and I donated my frozen stocks.  Now I'm kicking myself.  She isn't really interested in much 'real' food at this point.  We have tried apple, banana, blueberry, sweet potato, squash, peas, green beans, avocado, nectarines, apricots... I think that's it so far.

I realize that breast milk (or formula) should make up the majority of what she eats at this point and I'm concerned that she is not getting enough from me any more.  Should I buy some formula as a back up?  Is there any way to increase my supply at this point?  Should I try to push more solid foods?   



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