
Flying/away from baby 3 days.....

Hi ladies,  I thought I would reach out and see if anyone had any advice.  I have to attend a conference for work so I will need to be away from my little guy for three days unfortunately.  I plan on trying to keep to my routine of pumping every 4 hours while working, pumping when he normally eats, etc..  I am going to ask for a fridge in the hotel room.  I am just wondering about how to transport all of the milk home on the plane as I don't want it to go to waste.  I'm assuming since I would not be traveling with a baby and it is well over 3 oz, I would need to check it?  I am also traveling from Boston to Atlanta so it is a pretty long flight.  I'm guessing put all of the milk in a small suitcase with icepacks and check it?  This is going to be such a pain, but I really don't want the milk to go to waste (plus my MIL who watches him wastes milk like it is basically water so I really need it).  Has anyone done anything like this?  Thanks in advance!!
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