3rd Trimester

Foods for "entertaining"

So, I was just clipping coupons and was thinking about what I can buy now to stash and put out for when people come to visit.  Yes, I know I should probably not be worrying about entertaining people right after the baby, but I'll just be honest with myself and admit that it will happen. 

I'm a "feeder."  I like to feed people when they come to my house.   After my father-in-law's funeral in October, I wanted to stop at the store at 9pm because people were coming to my house and I had nothing to put out due to the unexpected craziness of the week.

What are some of your easy "go to" things that can be bought now and tossed out when guests come?  I think my sister keeps pepperoni, cheese and crackers on hand typically.  Chips and dip?  Not sure if those last a month.


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