
Intro & WWYD?

FTM and my first post on this board. I've been trying to BF but it has been very hard. In the hospital he latched then didn't. He was tongue tied so we had that taken care of. Latched better then didn't again. He isn't latching deeply. Tried a nipple shield and having problems with that too, still doesn't latch deep or want to stay on. Tried the syringe and tube method of keeping him latched with and without the shield and just ended up with a huge mess.

Yesterday I decided that I would just pump and bottle feed, also because my milk is coming in slowly. It takes me 3 pumpings to get enough for one feeding. That is pumping both sides for 20 minutes. On the January board someone posted an article about not switching sides during a feeding and I'm thinking about trying one last time but I would love some opinions, stories, and support. What is most important to me is that my LO get the breast milk and right now pumping and bottle feeding is the least stressful way.

Oh, I started drinking Mother's Milk Tea last night.

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