3rd Trimester

Induction WWYD

My OB wants to go ahead and schedule a "just in case" induction date. Inductions are scheduled one day a week, which would put me at 40w2d or 41w2d. I have two major concerns dictating the induction timing:

1. At 38w4d I had a Bishop's of 4 [posterior, intermediate, 2cm, 75pcnt, 3 station]. Anything below 5 is considered unfavorable. If I have not progressed my OB would have me come in the night before for Cervidil, but that would still just barely bump me into a favorable circumstance.

2. DH has set vacation from the time I am 39w6d to 41w6d, regardless of when baby comes. In addition, he has 3 days PTO. Once that is gone, he goes back to work [a traveling job gone several days at a time] and I am on my own with the baby.

Ideally I would prefer a spontaneous labor, and that would make all of this a moot point. Barring that option, I would feel comfortable going in at 40w2d if my Bishops was at least a 7. This would decrease the liklihood of csection from 10pcnt to 1.4pcnt, and the earlier date would allow DH 2wks home w/ his son instead of 1 or less.

My question to you is, if I do NOT go into spontaneous labor, and at my next appt I am NOT progressed enough to increase my Bishop's to at least a 7, WWYD? Do you...

A. Take your chances w/ the earlier date, accepting the increased potential for csection but knowing DH will be with you? Or...

B. Push back the induction, accepting DH won't get much time outside the hospital but increasing odds of spontaneous labor / favorable induction?
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