August 2013 Moms

I'm a mess. And dreams of twins.

Anyone else think they're having multiples or think they're having a boy or girl? With my first I thought for sure I was having a boy. My husband is 1 of 9 boys. We had a girl. This time around I keep having dreams that i'm having twins... so I highly doubt it... but then I keep getting in my head that I am. My first appt is in 4 days so I will find out then what's going on in there but my mind is all over the place.

I know in the first tri we tend to bloat, but is this still true at 11 weeks? I wasn't showing this much with my first this early. But I also don't remember feeling and looking so... well, fat this early on last time. lol.

And then although I am anemic and take iron, the extra iron is doing nothing! I'm used to feeling better with it. I am sooooo exhausted all day everyday even when I manage to get 10 hours of sleep. I get so tired that last night at 7pm I found myself crying like a little baby. Thank goodness for my darling husband. I told him "I seriously think there's an extra baby in there sucking out all of my energy." Ha.

So what about you guys? Any dreams or weird feelings? Thoughts on my craziness? Okay you can laugh at my expense a little but please be gentle... i'm an emotional wreck lately. I don't think I can handle too much criticism. Stick out tongue

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