3rd Trimester

Is it rude to have a Do Not Disturb Sign for your Recovery Room Door?

Hi all! I am making my birth plan with my doctor for my second child. We are delivering at a teaching hospital and so we've discussed that my DH will be the only person in delivery with me, family has been notified and all is well... EXCEPT this one thing that is bothering me. When I was in recovery after giving birth to our daughter I had NO privacy. There were pictures of me sleeping with my daughter on my bare but baby and sheet covered chest (trying to bond via skin to skin contact) with my MIL reaching out touching the baby and me. I had no idea that she was even there. I felt somewhat violated, though she meant no harm. Also people were slipping by my nurses and coming in and I mean they had just stitched me up, covered me, and taken baby to nursery. No knocking, just walked right in. I was still shaking from the adrenaline of giving birth. It was nuts.

So I am putting this to you for some helpful advise. Would it be rude of me to make a cute little set of signs saying "Mommy and Baby are sleeping please knock softly or text. Daddy will get back to you." also, " Mommy is feeding Baby please knock softly or text. Daddy will get back to you." 

We will not constantly have these up only when we are sleeping or feeding the baby. When we had our daughter these things were discussed but people did what they wanted. I'm not wanting to be rude. Is there maybe a better way to do this. I just want to bond with my son and not have people barging in at all hours.

Thank you!!! 

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