
Urgent advice/help needed! EBF 3.5 w.o. started throwing up every feeding. Pedi says strictly formul

Two days ago my EBF baby boy started spitting up and throwing up most, if not all of his milk. Our pedi said to not give anymore breast milk and try Enfamil Gentlease only for the next few days. After his first formula feed he was very content and didn't vomit or spit up. I couldn't help myself and put him back on the breast this afternoon thinking maybe it was a fluke and he would be fine with my milk but he began throwing up right after his nursing sessions so we're back to the formula and I'm devastated!! I have an excess of lipase (which causes my expressed milk to taste soapy) that sets in with any pumped breast milk almost instantly but my directly nursed milk tastes fine. I can't find any research on breast milk making baby sick. Nothing in my diet has changed so I'm not sure where this came from. Has anyone experienced this or any advice PLEASE? I'm a FTM and everything had began to go great with bf'ing and I don't want to lose it. His weight gain is great even after vomiting for the past day. Of course I don't want my baby uncomfortable and the formula seems to help, but I miss my baby nursing.
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