August 2013 Moms

What is in a name?

Before I was ever pregnant I have always looked at names for possible children. A name here or there that I liked and I figured that the naming process would be easy. Well for DH and I it hasn't been. We have managed to settle on two possible middle names for a boy and that is it. We can't seem to agree on one name. I know this is a long process but it seems like when my friends have found on the gender of their child, they also announce the name. I am curious for if other moms have had or are having the same issues with choosing a name for their baby. And for those who did, how did you know when you had found "the name"? I realize being 12 weeks that I have plenty of time and as long as we have a name by August, we will be fine but I just want to know I am not alone in this and how I might be able to work around it.
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