3rd Trimester

32.5 weeks--lower back aching and had some lower belly cramping this afternoon. Long post, but thou

So, I have had Braxton Hicks contractions from fairly early on due to a subchorionic bleed and low lying placenta, both of which resolved in December.  They just feel tight and uncomfortable, but not painful.  Point being, I think I know how they feel, but this is my first pregnancy.


Well, this morning, I woke up with sore hips (this has happened a lot during the 3rd tri) but my lower back was also achy, especially the right side.  My belly also felt sore, but it has felt that way other times, especially when having a growth spurt, and I did get larger this week :)


This afternoon, however, while sitting at my desk, it seemed to me that my lower back pain felt almost...menstrual-like if that makes sense.  Then, between 2:45 and 3:00 p.m, I had 2 instances of strong cramping in my lower belly that lasted maybe 30-60 seconds, it feels like a combination of a menstrual cramp and the kind of cramp you get before you need to go to the restroom.


I called my OB office right at 3:00, hoping I could speak with a nurse or doctor and be seen before they close for the weekend, if that is even necessary.  Well, I ended up speaking with an operator who said they closed at 2:30 (they are supposed to be open until 5:00 and this is without any notice) and there was no one to answer the back line and no nurse and my OB is on vacation.  She said she could take the info and then "try" to contact another on-call doctor and see "if" he could get back to me.  I am ashamed to admit that it pushed me into tears, so I squeaked out a "no thanks" and hung up. 


I have only had one more cramp between 3:00 and 4:00 but my lower back still feels sketchy.  I am super hydrated today, I have had probably 80 oz of water and now I am having a nice icy water to cool down because I got hot and nervous.  I went to the restroom and don't have any blood or anything beyond normal discharge.


My question is, do I just wait it out and see if if goes away or go to my hospital to get checked?  Also, even if it goes away, should I call my OB on Monday and let them know?  Any advice or comments would be immensely appreciated.  I don't want to be a panic monger but it's all new to me and I am not always sure.  Sorry this is a long post, thank you in advance!!

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