3rd Trimester

Another "to kill or not to kill DH" post...

While we were on the phone during our separate commutes from work last night, DH had the nerve to whine that we have nothing in the fridge and that I had no plans for dinner.  You better believe I told him that he has a car and knows where the grocery store is and can, by all means, go grocery shopping.  There may have been some choice words in there was well (it may have been... an f-ing car... and the f-ing grocery store).  In other news... I did NOT make dinner last night.

So, tonight I have this big plan all worked out... I have the energy... we'll go out to dinner, stop at Target so I can get Thank You's for my shower and then hit the store to grocery shop since we're supposed to get some decent snow/winter weather all weekend.

DH's response? "Eeeeh.  Do we HAVE to?"  If I were a cartoon character, steam would have come out of my ears and my face would have been fire engine red.  I cannot win.  I'm really at a point where I don't like to go places by myself -- not because I think I'm going to go into labor, just because I like having someone else with me.

At least if we go out tonight, I can write my Thank You's and clean a ton during the snowy weekend we're supposed to have... sigh.

So... Dear DH: Please help me out here.  We're almost through this.  I need you now, more than ever, to be a little bit more of a rock and a little less of a whiny brat.



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