
Mall employee told me I couldn't nurse in food court

Hi ladies!

I was at the mall today feeding my baby in the food court.  A food court worker came up to me and told me if I wanted to feed my baby I would have to go to the mothers room.  I was POd.  I said "NO.  It's legal for me to feed him here," and she angrily scurried away.  I finished BFing my baby and my friend and I went and complained to the mall admin.  I was able to speak to her direct supervisor who was sympathetic and apologized, and said he'd speak to her.

I was really mad and not really thinking straight but now I'm wondering if I should have filed a written complaint so that it would be in her file in case something like this happened again.  I don't want to get her fired or anything but I DO believe that she shouldn't be allowed to do this again.  I'm confident about NIP but I feel really sad wondering if she's ever scared a newer mom out of NIP.  I also wonder if II should have made a bigger stink to the administration about making sure their employees are familiar with NIP laws.

Should I follow this up, or let it go? 

Edited for spelling and wording

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