3rd Trimester

MOPS or other groups...

S/O, "Is it that bad," it made me really think of how much a difference it would have made if I had joined my church's MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group right away.  I didn't (partially because the name made me think I had to have a kid in actual preschool vs. just any kid who is "pre-" school age, and also because of my own personal situation at the time) but we do have new moms/pregnant moms without "outside" babies in our group.

Anyway, the support MOPS gives (from making meals for the moms who are having babies to having someone hold your bebe while you eat a hot meal for a change) and the community sense of going through this stage together (so it doesn't matter that you haven't showered and your hair looks like a baby spit in it because one did) is such a blessing.

I'm so glad I'm already *in* it now so I will have that there when DD#2 makes her appearance.  Anyone else do MOPS or something like it?   

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