3rd Trimester

The perks of GD...from a STM

So I had GD with DD#1 and celebrated the fact that I don't now.  However...even though my doc says I'm right on track with my weight gain, I'm already as heavy now (with 10 weeks to go) as I was with DD when I gave birth.                                                                                                                                                          Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not *huge* or even complaining about being *too big*, but I have shirts that don't fit me anymore that I wore all through my PG with DD (and I mean maternity shirts).  I'm wearing my fave now and my belly is peeking out the bottom.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  So keep your chin up, you GD mom.  You will have less to lose and will get to wear your wardrobe the whole time!
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