
MSPI moms: I need encouragement please! (long)

I love breastfeeding and don't want to give it up, but I feel awful that DS is having such stomach/poop issues! 

After only noticing some brown specks in DS's diaper (no other symptoms), I had his diaper tested at the peds, which was positive for blood. The pedi recommended only going dairy free at first. She said some babies that have a milk intolerance also have a soy intolerance, but she said that most don't. So I have been dairy free for 4 weeks now, this includes all dairy (hidden ingredients). But I went ahead and tried to go mostly soy free, as well. I don't drink soy milk or anything obvious like that, but I do still eat things that say they may contain traces of soy.

The first couple of weeks, DS seemed about the same. Taking 2-3 poops per day, as usual for him. Poops were yellowish/orangish with seedy texture...but were becoming a bit more watery. Did not notice any more brown flecks. Had never noticed mucus up to this point.

Then something has gone wrong these last two weeks. He suddenly went from pooping 2-3 times per day to once every 4 to 6 days. I know BF babies start to poop less frequently, but that abruptly? His poops went from seedy and yellowish to brown and watery with no consistency and/or with some mucus mixed in. He began passing much more gas and it is very smelly. Within the last week, he has started waking up at night being very wiggly, whiny, and gassy for hours. Yesterday, DS was fussy pretty much the entire day, straightening himself out as stiff as a board, and today he had a bowel movement that was nothing but brown mucus. So I took him in to the pedi and diaper tested positive for blood. Pedi recommended completely dairy and soy free, which I will do. Also, set up an appointment with a ped GI for Tuesday.

I just don't understand why cutting dairy and eating very little soy has made things worse? Pedi was puzzled too and didn't have any advice. Obviously I don't want my baby to keep being in breaks my heart. I asked about eggs and nuts, which I read could be common allergens, but the pedi said no. I have been eating an 1-2 eggs per day or egg salad, as well as almond milk and peanut butter sandwiches. But, again, pedi said that couldn't be it.

It's worth mentioning that I was on an antibiotic (dicloxacillin) during the time that things started getting worse (however, they started getting worse right before I was on the meds). I finished the antibiotics on Monday, but pedi said this was not likely to be the cause.

Sorry this is so long...thanks for reading it all! I'm just a worried momma. Hoping someone has some advice or words on encouragement. Things do get better, right? You don't have to give up BF'ing, right?  

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