August 2013 Moms

Superbowl Plans and Food!

For those of you who are into the Superbowl, who are you cheering for and are you doing anything fun on Sunday?

I like both teams but will cheer for SF because we live in the Bay Area (My teams, the Eagles and the Bills, once again did not make it far haha)

Our friends invited us over but because when I get tired these days, I crash hard! I don't want to be an hour away from home if I want to get a snooze in. 

So I'll be cooking at home. I'm bring out the deep fryer (Oh yeah, things are about to get nasty) and making some chicken wings. It's my dad's recipe and oh so delicious. I also think I'll do either twice baked potatoes or mashed potatoes. 

I also plan to get a bag or two of Doritos! I've been craving them!

Go ahead... what are you planning on indulging in this weekend?

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