3rd Trimester

Tip for those with severe bladder pressure

So, I started having really bad bladder pressure this week. It's not a UTI - I have no pain, odor, etc. But I have a constant feeling of having to go much of the time. I think he is just sitting near or on my bladder.

Part of my problem was that I wasn't fully emptying my bladder, and I'm sure many of you are experiencing the same. I was told to try to lean forward while going (impossible with a 34 week belly) or lift my belly up while I pee (this didn't help). So this is going to sound silly, but what I found to work was to sit on the toilet backward, leaning somewhat forward. It has worked very well.

Isn't pregnancy sexy? Ugh.

Lilypie Maternity tickers
James Robert ("JR") Due 3/15/2013! Our Miracle!
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