3rd Trimester

Cleaning with a toddler...

So, I never really got much of a chance to give the house a deep clean before DD#1 arrived due to a variety of life circumstances at the time, and then it seems like thereafter it's just been go-go-go.

Now, I have *time* to clean but DD makes it kinda...pointless.  This place was spotless (ish?) a week ago before DH's parents were coming over and once again, Hurricane DD#1 has hit and it's crazy town.  I try to clean as I go through the day but that only seems to be able to manage the basics (dishes done, laundry put away, etc.) and not the "deep clean" things I want to do.  I've managed to clean out one bathroom (did you know we had 8 billion expired drugs and vitamins?) and most of the fridge & freezer.  Still need to get my car done so it's clean before we install the new car seat for DD#2.

Is it wrong that all I want is a weekend with someone else entertaining DD so I can clean?! 

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