
When did LO become fast & efficient?

I was wondering, when did your LO start to become fast and efficient at breastfeeding? Is it possible for this to happen at 1 month? I feel like my supply has really regulated itself and DD is finally emptying my breasts at each feeding. But my concern is that I'm hoping its not my supply dropping (too much). She has gone from partially emptying one breast to emptying both breasts in one feeding in about 15-20 minutes. She used to take up to 45 minutes to just eat from one side. She seems satisfied after each feeding, so I assume she's getting enough to eat. I EBF, so I would think she's getting enough and my body is just getting used to how much milk it needs to make for DD. any input would be great. TIA!
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BFP #1:10/31/10 DS born 6/22/11 BFP #3:4/24/12 DD born 12/31/12
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