3rd Trimester

For anyone on their 3rd baby or more...

Do you feel more or less energetic?

I distinctly remember with my last pregnancy I was a super-nester. I'm almost certain by this time I had my house OCD-clean, everything ready for baby and my freezer stocked with meals.

This time...I'm doing good to make three meals a day, keep up with laundry and basic household cleaning while making sure my kids don't harm themselves. Otherwise, I would absolutely love to sleep all day which of course, can't happen.

I feel like I have a million things I need to do and zero energy to do it. Is this normal? Can I expect a wave of energy to hit me soon? It's sort of scaring me since the weeks are flying by...

"If you find a mate in life, you should be loyal. In your case, grateful."
SAHM to two sweet girls, both born at home; Baby #3 in 2013!
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