3rd Trimester

Very distracting...

30 weeks today and it's a wonder I am getting anything accomplished at work these days with all the bumping around going on in there.  About halfway through a big boring work meeting the other day LO got the hiccups.  I hope our CEO wasn't complaining about anything at the time because I am sure I had a little smile on my face during thos e hiccups. 

Yesterday I was talking to a co-worker and had my hand on my tummy.  At that time LO surely head-butted really hard right where my hand was.  It was so obvious my co-worker and I both started laughing.

And again this morning I'm trying to get some work done and it seems my LO is in there practicing for some kind of Olympic event. 

The funny part is when she's like this at home and I call her dad over to witness whatever she's up to she gets quiet for awhile.  Very irritating for him, I'm sure.  Already she's such a stinker!

While being pregnant hasn't been my favorite thing ever, I do enjoy this (mostly) private time with my little girl.  Lord knows after she's born I'll have to start sharing her with everyone else.

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