
Dairy and Gas Drop Question

DD is 8 weeks and just started having painful gas pains a week or so ago. It was right after I had eaten a lot of dairy for a few days creamy soups, pizza etc.. I dont know if it was a coincidence or not. She seemed so uncomfortable so we started gripe water and gas drops right away and I took a huge step back with dairy in my diet. 3 days later, she seems a little better but still has the pains and fusses. Do you think it's less dairy that's helping or the gas drops? I guess my question is, is it normal to need to give her gas drops or gripe water every day because babies this age just have that problem or should I look into eliminating dairy and other foods to try to solve the problem? I just don't want to start eliminating everything thinking she is dairy sensitive if this is normal for her to need gas help anyways. I will add that around the same time, I started pumping to start a stash and my multiple letdowns while she was nursing was causing her to now gulp to keep up and she may have been swallowing a ton of air. You could hear the milk go all the way down to her stomach. We are trying feeding in a recliner now and me pulling her off during letdown and it seems to be helping. So many things just happened at the same time, Im not sure if there's anything I can do to figure put her gas without just trial and error. Just thought someone might have gone through something similar or had to use gas drops every day with their LO. Just a nervous first time mom. Thanks!
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