August 2013 Moms


This is just a quick vent before bed. Sorry in advance if this is a redundant post.

So here goes:

This is my first pregnancy and I knew I was pregnant at exactly 4 weeks along based on two EPT tests and a trip to planned parenthood for confirmation bloodwork. Oh, and the HORRIBLE sickness. Up until week 10 I was getting sick multiple times a day. I mean full blown emptying the contents of my stomach type of sickness. This was while I was on an anti nausea medication. OB did switch my anti nausea meds at one point and this gave me some relief but only minimally. Every day I load up on a bunch of anti nausea medication and stool softener and pray "will this be the day that I keep my food down." Now, please don't get me wrong I am thrilled to be pregnant as we weren't sure I could get pregnant but at the same time I am miserable. I was already hospitalized once for dehydration and that's when they told me I have hyperemesis. I am at 14 weeks as of tomorrow and I am hoping so badly that this lets up soon. I have almost no appetite but I have to keep something in my stomach at all times regardless of this just to avoid nausea that comes from Having nothing in my stomach. I called out of work 4 times in the last month not like me at all and due to our company's absenteeism policy I will be terminated immediately if I am late and/or miss another day of work. I spend most of my days curled up in the fetal position in bed and am plain sick of being sick. Though, admittedly, there are now times when keeping food down makes me so nauseated that the sickness brings more relief than discomfort.

Anyway, I'm sorry this was long winded. No replies necessary really, but if anyone DOES relate or have sympathy it is much appreciated.
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