August 2013 Moms

Further Along??

I had my first appointment on Wednesday, and today I'm exactly 11 weeks. The midwife felt like I could be further along, based on the size of my uterus. How likely is it that I'm that much further along from my LMP date of 11/15? A friend of mine had the same doctor, and apparently they don't normally check for a heartbeat until 13-14 weeks (to not upset anyone if it isn't easily found) and she immediately checked mine without giving a second thought. I have my first ultra sound scheduled next Wednesday (soonest they had) and then my NT scan at Uni of Washington Medical on Friday. I just have my *fingers crossed* that I'm not too far along that I can't have the NT scan.


The more, I typed the more I found this to be more of a rant... My apologies, first time mom, so nervous and super excited! Hearing the heartbeat was amazing, and my SO was there for it :)
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