August 2013 Moms

Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction

I had another appointment today with my MW who I expressed my concerns with about my pelvic pain. She confirmed I in fact probably do have SPD. My body is producing relaxin too early therefore causing my pelvis to shift like it shouldn't. It is quite uncomfortable but the fitted me with a bigger pelvis support band and recommended that I go to physical therapy. I remember feeling like this with my 2nd but not until 3rd tri. Just is a little setback this time because it literally hurts to walk, to get in/out of the car, to put my pants on and pretty much anything that has to do with my lower pelvic region. I waddle which I feel ridiculous sometimes because I am not heavy with child but I can't help it because it really does hurt to walk. Anyone else with this problem please feel free to share stories/relief or anything.
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