Pregnant after IF

8dp5dt bleeding with postive HPT's and a 6.1 beta..

Hoping you guys can help me....

Today I am 8dp5dt of a fresh IVF cycle.  I transferred 2 blasts on day 5.  Last night I tested for the first time and had a BFN. I wasn't supposed to go in for my first beta until Monday.  This morning when I woke up, I had a significant amount of blood after using the bathroom.  I still took a wondfo cheapie just to be sure.  5 minutes later...nothing.  I went to leave for work 20 minutes later, looked again and there was a line!  Did another, got a line again after 5-6 mintues.  Called RE and they let me come in early.  Said it needed to be at least a 5.  Got the call, it was a 6.1.   I have had bleeding off and on.  Sometimes spotting, sometimes crinone, sometimes lots of red and brown (like my period in the beginning).  I go back in tomorrow for another beta first thing.   Can anyone provide any insight or experience?  Please be honest.

Me:27, DH:29 Married: 07/07/07 TTC Since: March 2011 MFI Me: No known Issues Varicocele embolization April 2012 IVF #1 with ICSI July 2012: BFN :( DH- Femara for 90 days to decrease Estrodial levels SA and RE Consult 12/10/2012 Numbers have improved! IVF# 2: Jan 2013, Beta 1: 6.1 #2: 9 #3: 16 #4: 21 #5: 129 #6: 644 #7:65 #8:6 C/P 6weeks0days 5 frosties IVF #3 FET March/April or May? image <a href="
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