3rd Trimester

Might Labor be starting??

So I have been having contractions since 5:30pm yesterday. They started 10 minutes apart then 7 min then 5 min all the way to 2 min apart. After about an hour, I time them at 7 min apart again and the same cycle starts. They are not super painful but they do hurt my lower back, pelvis area and stomach. I was close to going to the hospital since they did not stop, but I figured I?d wait until I get more pain. Don?t feel like just waiting it out at the hospital and then be crushed when they say ?it?s not time yet go home?. I slept on and off and this morning I still have them about 9 min apart. Should I just hold off until I get more intense pain? Im a FTM so have not gone through this before, but from what I hear when you?re in labor you will not question it like I am.


I decided not to call my Dr because they always tell me to go to L&D for EVERYTHING. If I call they will just tell me to come in for sure!

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