3rd Trimester

XP From Health/Fitness - Jogging Stroller

Prior to having DD I was a moderate runner. I would run 3-5 miles/day, my longest run was an 8 mile turkey trot and was interested in training for a half marathon. After DD was born I never got back into running other than a jog around the neighborhood or a 5k on the treadmill a few times a week, but honestly I hate running on a treadmill. Point is- I'm not a triathlete, but I'm also not a light jogger. I want to get back out there after this LO is born, and DH has agreed to essentially let me buy what I want (call it temporary insanity?). I don't want a double- but I want something that is compatible with my Chicco KeyFit so I can get out there as soon as I'm up to it, and I want something that will handle regular 3-5 mile runs with the potential for longer runs in the future. I've been looking at the BOB Revolution SE, but honestly have no idea. I would love any recommendations! 


Lilypie Maternity tickers
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