
4 week old w/ severe reflux - stop breastfeeding?

Hello everyone,

My wife and I are going through enough drama at the moment trying to get her a pump because of a backorder. Nevertheless, she has been doing great nursing our LO without any issues.....other than our DS having severe gastric reflux.

We have already had two emergency walk in appointments with the Pediatrician. The first we were prescribed Zantac and the second 10 days later we were prescribed Prilosec. We are still having reflux problems and can't keep LO flat on his back ever or he is blowing either stomach acid or curdled milk out of his nose and gasping for air/crying.

So with all this happening every hour of every day for the past 3 weeks our family all knows about our struggle and finally it has been brought to our attention that everybody is against my wife nursing our LO. They are all trying to lecture us on how we are new parents and are not doing the right thing for the baby because he is suffering (acid burn/lack of sleep).

We really don't know how to reply to all this unwanted advice from all our family and friends without coming off as BACK OFF - THIS IS OUR KID.  

Is the best solution really to switch to formula? They say breast is this always true? My wife will be devastated if she stops now. She wanted to go for 1 year at least and now she is saying maybe 3 months and we will switch over if his reflux doesn't stop. She is having problems adjusting to the sleepless nights. I work a three tour job and work overnights so I am used to sleep deprivation. Also without a pump she has to wake every hour or two to feed if that is what he is crying for.

Any suggestions from anybody else who has gone through this??   

Thank you all. 

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Posted by Aidan's Daddy...since Mommy is busy feeding me!!
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