3rd Trimester

What they heck is going on!?

Hey there ladies! First a little background: I'm 36 weeks tomorrow, went into preterm labor at 33 weeks, they were able to stop contractions but I was 40% effaced and just starting to dilate (about a dimple, so I'm guessing thats like 1/4 of a centimeter, nothing to be overly concerned about) for the time being and I was put on restricted rest until 36 weeks. A few days ago I had some severe menstrual type pain and lower back pain that put me in tears so I headed into labor and delivery again. I was checked again and am 50% effaced and 1 centimeter dilated. The nurses eyes got huge when she did the check and said "well, all that pain is because baby's head is right there...I'm actually able to feel his head right...no wonder your in so much pain!" A few days prior to this I had started to lose my plug and am pretty sure its totally gone at this point. I'm sure I'll know more at my 36 week apt tomorrow.

So heres thing: since my last trip into labor and deliver 2 days ago, I've had contractions none stop. Some get pretty painful and I'm having to stop and breath through them, but I wasn't concerned since they were pretty erratic. However, all day today they have gone from 30 mins apart to 15 mins apart consistently. Not a single break in them at all. Again, some are painful enough to make me have to stop and breath through them with the same menstrual cramping and back pain I've been having (intensify during a contraction), but some are just annoying and not a big deal. I had a tiny bit of spotting today which I called my OB about and she said to just wait until either my water breaks, the bleeding becomes more like a light period, or contractions are 5 mins apart and head to L&D, otherwise just hang out and wait to be seen tomorrow afternoon at my apt.

The doctor has already said I'm in the safe zone so if I went into labor they wouldn't stop it. I'm just confused if these are braxton hicks or really early signs of labor? I know there are no definitive answers, but I was hoping you gals could share your opinions or experience... how long can a person actually labor for before its time to head to the hospital? My first was 10 days early and my water broke, but never went into labor so I have no experience with all these contractions naturally occurring. Thank you ladies!

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