Pregnant after IF

Ethan and Braden have arrived 1/20/2013!!!

It has been such a long time since I have posted anything - things have been so up and down since week 25 of pregnancy that I wasn't online all that much. 

At 25 weeks I was placed on hospital bed rest for a shortened cervix and being 1cm dilated. I was in the hospital for 8 weeks and then home for two - bringing us to 35 weeks. I was admitted back in the hospital the second time for presenting symptoms of PIH, and 2 days later my blood pressure started to rise, the protein in my urine had increased to a point where they did not feel comfortable and my edema had taken a turn for the worse - so the rounding doctor decided it was time to deliver the boys. 

The c-section delivery was a little rough, I had lost quite a bit of blood and did not feel well. We got through it and Ethan Andrew was born at 12:28pm - 4 lbs 11oz and 18 inches long. Braden Thomas was born at 12:29pm - 5 lbs 2oz and 17 inches long. Both boys did not require any NICU time!!!

We have been home for about a week now and are adjusting to life as parents of twins. We are so in love with the boys and are excited for our new family. :)


Married 09.9.11 (Me:31 and DH:31)
Left Tubal Ligation in 2004
1.2.12 BFP
1.16.12 LAP due to Ectopic @ 7w, Right Tubal Ligation
3.19.12 IVF #1 - Stims (Lupron + Gonal F + Luveris)
3.29 ER - 6 snowbabies (ET postponed due to OHSS)
FET 6/6 - transferred two 4AB snowbabies
Beta #1 6/16 = 683, Beta #2 6/18 = 1703, Beta #3 6/20 = 4073, u/s #1 @ 5wks = TWINS!!, 7w u/s two heartbeats <3<3 TWIN BOYS<br>


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