
Supply Drop

I am a reservist and this past weekend was my first time back. I only have to go one weekend a month from 6:30am to 4:30pm. The unit that I am part of is mostly made up of men and we are on the go pretty much constantly doing different projects so I wasnt able to pump during the time that I was there. I didnt think that it would affect my supply but so far this week we have had to suppliment one bottle a day with formula :-( I know that formula is ok and that it wont hurt him but I feel terrible that I am having trouble keeping up with him. I really hope that not pumping one weekend a month wont make my supply drop anymore. Is there something I can do during the time that I cant pump to help keep my supply up? I put DS to breast as often as possible while I am home with him but it didnt seem to make a difference.

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