Pregnant after IF

Yay! Eviction Date

On Monday I had my 38w appt. and since I was 2-3cm and 70% effaced my OB suggested sweeping my membranes to see if we could get things going.  Within an hour I was having strong regular contractions.  I thought for sure we would end up in L&D but about 8pm they stopped and nothing the rest of the night.  I went in to work as usual but on my drive the contractions started again along with some pretty moderate cramping.  I lasted until 1:30 and thought it would be a good idea to call my OB to see what he thought.  They had me come in at 2:30. 

They hooked me up to the monitors and could see I was contracting so my OB checked me again.  I was then a "good" 3cm and baby is at a -2 station.  My OB told me he thought the baby was causing my cramping with his head pushing into my pelvic bones (most likely intensified by my severe SPD).  He said he would probably see me in L&D later that night or sometime today.  He told me to labor at home as long as I could.  Well again around 8pm last night everything stops and I haven't had a single contraction all day. BOO!

While in the office on Monday they had me go ahead and schedule my induction for Monday the 4th. I'm really hoping baby J decides to make his arrival before Monday as I am hoping to go natural and I'm afraid with Pitocin I won't be able to do it.

If you can spare any positive labor vibes to send my way I would really appreciate it! :)

BabyFruit Ticker

06.10.12 +HPT 06.12.12 Beta #1 = 2,770 06.14.12 Beta #2 = 6,300
1st U/S 06.18.12 2nd U/S 06.25.12
09.24.12 It's a Boy!! ---> Jacob Owen

Our IF Journey Began: October 2009
**8 Failed IUI's, 1 Blighted Ovum, & 1 Failed IVF**
Dx: MFI, DOR w/MTHFR Homozygous A1298C & Hypothyroidism
03.2012 Lab Results: FSH 6.83 AMH 0.67 TSH 3.8 E2 17
SA 156 million 93% motility 3% morphology

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