
How are parents involved at your school?

Prior to this year, my kids attended a co-op preschool where parent involvement was very high. Each parent was required to work in the classroom once a week, hold a class job, attend monthly meetings and parent education classes. This year we switched programs and our new school is very different. We love the school, teachers and program, but it is really lacking in community and parent involvement. Today, the director had a parent coffee and a ton of parents showed up and we all said the same thing, we want more community and ways to contribute to the school. With that being said, I'm not really sure where to start. I've asked the teacher if I could help in anyway and she always just says "Oh yeah, come in anytime and work in the class," but never has an tangible projects. So I am wondering how other preschools build community and what type of things parents do to help out. Can anyone share some ideas from your school?
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