Pregnant after IF

Update on please talk me down

To catch up those not yet in the loop, here's how it all started:

Here's the first post for some background, the next one is where I really vented:

Even though I am finally back to my happy place today, i.e., not irrationally, over-the top annoyed and irritated at the situation or in general anymore, I still felt the need to clear the air with the CW.

So, I just finished talking with her, and it went REALLY well.  I started off by telling her there were some thing she's said, going back to when I was pregnant before that really rubbed me the wrong way, and prefaced this by saying I in no way thought she ever meant to be insensitive or mean about any of it, and then told her everything, including how I felt outed by her, no matter how unintentional, last time. 

She, of course, had absolutely no idea and apologized several times.  I initially mentioned having fertility issues and that we were working on #2, and my concerns about being outed again this time, and how her comments yesterday just hit a nerve.  Turns out she is having an "oopsie" baby this time (of course, right?).  She had to use Clomid the first time, so she thought that was her BC after having her daughter (SMH).  So, she's been freaking out about the timing of her two kids and when she said something to me yesterday, it was because she really wanted someone to be pregnant with again, especially someone who could understand her situation.

So, we talked it all out, I ended up disclosing the IVF and that I was, in fact, pregnant, and she swore up and down she wouldn't tell.  I explained two of her coworkers are personal, outside of work friends, and the importance of that not getting out until I tell people.  She promised to keep it to herself, and was just thrilled that I was pregnant, so we can go through it together again, especially since both kids will be about 15 months apart.

We talked about concerns, plans, etc., and it went well.  We talked for a good 45 minutes, and I was really happy I said something, because not only do I feel better and have one less person that "bothers" me, I feel like I have educated her as well, which she did mention (said she will be more mindful in other situations in the future).

So, score one for the IF'ers!  Every situation is different, but I will say, in this one, I am very happy I said something.  I felt ok about things this morning, but I feel really great about them now!

Thanks again for all your support yesterday, it really helped me get through the rest of the day without saying/doing something I'd regret!
10/10: Married DH; 5/11: Dx: Blocked Fallopian Tube; 7/11: D&C/Hysteroscopy to remove polyp
IVF #1: 9/11: ER: 12R, 11M, 10F, No Frosties; 5dt: 2 blasts, 1 morula; DD born 6/3/12
IVF #2: 11/12-12/12: ER: 20R, 20M, 16F, 4 Frosties; 5dt: 3 blasts, EDD: 8/23/13
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