
supply question

My LO is 11 weeks old and I currently send 4 bottles with 3oz each to daycare, she is there from 8am to 4pm. She also gets a 3oz bottle at 7am from dad after I go to work (I leave at 5:45am) So I need to pump about 15oz a day to keep up with her needs. Problem is, I am not pumping enough. I pump at work at 7, 11:45 and 2:15. I am a teacher so it would be hard to alter my pumping schedule. I currently pump about 13oz while at work, so I am 2oz short everyday. I do not have any freezer supply as I did not start pumping until the week before I went back to work. DC is also suggesting at least one of her bottles everyday be bigger because she seems to be hungry still after 3oz.

Sorry for the book, but basically I am trying to find out what I can do to make more milk for her. I could add an evening pump session, but as soon as I get home in the afternoon LO is attached to me until I go to bed. Ideas? I have been drinking lots of water, eating oatmeal, getting enough calories. My pump is the ameda purely yours and it seems to be working ok. I recently replaced the white cones with new ones. Thanks for any suggestions.   

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